Okey!!!! I would like to tell you about my choice. It was VERY difficult, because I couldn't decide what I want to read. At first, I didn't know what genre of the book will be interesting for me. I wanted to read something very interesting. I sorted out a lot of options, but something was very difficult for reading, and something was very difficult for understanding. At the start of this semester I chose the book. It was a horro storyr. But after 20 pages I understood that it's very boring. And now, I'm reading a very interesting book by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle "Sherlock Holmes and The hound of the Baskervilles". I like detective stories and I think that this book is not an exception.
P.S. Good luck to me and let's go to solve the secret of the mystery Hound!!!!!
Этот комментарий был удален администратором блога.
ОтветитьУдалитьDasha, if you like detective stories, you've made a good choice.Just mind some mistakes:
ОтветитьУдалитьthe and my can't be used at the same time (will match to the my level of English)
it was the horror > a horror story
a very interesting book (article)
this book is not exception > an exception
Good luck for me >>Good luck to me
the secret of the mystery Hound!!! (article)
Dasha, i really like your choice, but, to tell the truth, the book has a horrific cover!
ОтветитьУдалитьNastia, thanx for your attention to my book)))) But you know, I've read this book and didn't find some horror events. But I'd like to say that it is the most interesting detective story when I ever read.
ОтветитьУдалитьP.S. The first pages of this book have some "describe of horror". I advice you to read this work!!!